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8 Ways to Lower Your Google Ads CPC

Contemporary businesses employ PPC (Pay Per Click Ads) as a major digital marketing strategy. The challenge that arises is to have the minimum cost per click. Minimum cost per click with a prominent return of invest is a great marketing strategy that saves your budget and ensures productivity. 

Let us understand how online advertising companies help you achieve lower CPC in your pay per call campaigns and helps you establish a prominent digital presence.

  • Choose the keywords wisely

To achieve an efficient digital ad performance, choosing the right keywords is an important factor. You should invest on long-tail keywords which consist of 4 or more words. Considering the tendency of lower competition bidding on long tail keywords, they are much cheaper than their broader and shorter keyword counterparts. Though they attract lesser traffic on your website but their specificity increases your chance of conversion. The goal is to choose a low bid but high-quality score that saves your money and fetches relevant leads. You can utilise tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner and Search Terms Report to find the appropriate keywords required for efficient pay per call marketing.

  • Increase your quality score by customizing your ads and landing pages

If you bid low yet your quality score is high, you can attract more clicks at a cheaper cost. If the ad provides more relevant results, Google accepts the cheaper bid as it helps Google make more money through paid Search ads without sabotaging the user’s search experience. Your quality scores imply the relevance of your keywords and ads. You can improve your Google’s rating by creating highly targeted ads which are appropriate for the search queries. 

  • Use negative keywords

You can build a list of keyword lists that can show certain comparisons with your competitors to portray the quality of your product or services. It is an efficient performance strategy to include additional attachments to the keywords that you are bidding on. You can also employ negative keywords to display the relevance of your product so only the targeted peers are led to your page and your CPC is reduced. Apart from including negatives at a campaign level, utilising a negative keyword list across your entire account is advisable too as it halves the time required to add negative keywords. Negative keywords have a huge impact in optimising your product feed and lowering your CPCs. Keep the negatives at the top with your Google Shopping campaign. 

  • Explore new match types and try new keyword variations

Carry out efficient research on the field and industry you operate and specialise in. You need to experiment and test differences in the average cost per click variations and find the perfect digital performance strategy for your business. Broader match types tend to attract a broader traffic as well but if you utilise phrases, they narrow down the traffic that click on your ads based on their specific needs and specific to what you are selling. You may find a variety of short and long-tail keywords that might be beneficial to attract appropriate traffic to your page. Keywords with low competition can be useful for traffic and conversions as they attract definite users only. 

  • Change your bidding strategy 

You can consider the bidding strategies offered by Google Ads like Enhanced CPC, maximum clicks, maximize conversions, target CPA and many more like them. Online advertising firms choose to opt for a manual bidding strategy which provides them maximum control over the CPC numbers. It is up to the business owner how much they wish to bid on their pay per call campaigns. You need to ensure your bids do not increase and your conversion volume does not decrease. 

  • Lower keyword bids 

Lessening your keyword bids may pull down your position in search results by certain extent but they can prove to be very cost worthy. They would be as effective but at a lower cost. Carry out this process gradually to avoid a drastic change in your conversion numbers. It is advisable to stay on the third or fourth position of search results to keep your ad score and quality score high at a substantial cost. 

  • Concentrate on quality score

You need to improve your quality score to stay on top of Google’s rating for the relevance of your keywords and ads. It massively affects your ad rank ultimately lowering your CPC. Create highly targeted ads to attract specific traffic to your page. 

  • Make ads more definite

Relevance is the most important factor to succeed in CPC campaigns as it enables google to examine the quality score of your ads. Include specific keywords in ad’s headline and description. It ultimately impacts conversion rates by concentrating relevant traffic to your page. 

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