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What is Google Ads and how it works

Google Ads is a powerful means to drive relevant and qualified traffic to your web pages when people search for a particular product or service provided by your business. It is the part of Google’s pay per click network that enables businesses to appear across Google’s search engine and other affiliated platforms. You can find Google ads in the form of search engine result pages (SERP) for searches appropriate to the products and services provided by the advertiser. Every second, billions of searches are carried out by users on Google and a huge amount of search results consist of Google ads.

Let us understand how Google Ads appear on the SERP.

  • Keywords

Words used by people to carry out the search regarding the product they wish to avail are keywords. While creating performance marketing campaigns, advertisers choose a specific list of keywords to target that are relevant to the searches carried out by their desired traffic. When a user searches on Google, Google checks if any advertisers are bidding on keywords present in the user’s search. If they find so, the respective ads appear on the SERP. Hence, keywords are the primary concern in google performance marketing. 

  • Quality score

After the keywords are set, Google gives each keyword a quality score from 1-10. This quality rating is based upon the relevance of the keyword to the search conducted and several other factors. Followed by which, each keyword is assigned an Ad rank. Ads with highest Ad rank scores appear on top of the search results. Your ad’s positioning is majorly determined by your quality score. Your quality score is decided by several factors in your performance marketing strategy. The relevance of your Google ad, keyword and the landing page are crucial for improving your quality score. Click-through rate and historical account performance are some of the other factors that affect your quality score. 

Let us look at the benefits of having a successful Google ads campaign which can improve the reach of your business to the customers. 

  • Lower costs

Google rewards advertisers by lowering their cost per click enhancing the return of investment of the business if they maintain high quality scores. The overall costing of your Google ad varies upon the competitiveness of your keywords and the industry you are competing in, your geographic location, the quality of your advertising campaigns and many such factors. Efficient campaign performance can help you establish a well-knit pay per call affiliate network and help you curb your budget on performics digital marketing. 

  • Higher exposure 

Higher quality scores help your ads display more often, bettering your digital visibility so you can fetch more audience to your business and procure conversions. When the position of your Google ads is at better positions, the relevance and overall legitimacy of your business increases. You need not raise your bids to avail more clicks and ultimately conversions when you maintain a high quality score. 

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